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peer2peer offers a level of support you didn't know existed, at an investment you never imagined.

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Frequently asked questions

Our UK boards meet once a month, in person, and are made up of 10-15 non-competing local business leaders. The venues are hand-picked by our team to lend themselves to facilitating maximum output. Every board is run by an experienced entrepreneur.

Business owners, entrepreneurs, business leaders. Some have teams, some work alone. Each member joins for a different reason and are usually at different stages in their personal and business growth but all gain a huge amount of value from their membership and experience with peer2peer.

peer2peer is the right solution for you if:

  • you want to develop yourself and take your business further
  • you'd appreciate a confidential sounding board to share ideas/challenges/opportunities with
  • you'd value being held to account in a supportive way
  • you find the idea of harnessing the power of like-minded business leaders and entrepreneurs appealing
  • you enjoy a vibrant learning environment with quality skill-building that you can take back and implement in your own business
  • you love being a leader but sometimes it's liberating to share the successes and challenges you face with people who 'get it'

Each board meets once per month for 3.5 hours.

Typically, boards are divided into three 50-minute sessions to include a round the room monthly check-in, up-skilling workshop, a hot seat (mastermind session), accountability and next steps.

Dedicated time to work on you and on your business, world class skill building workshops, a community that supports each other to achieve more than they ever thought possible, excellent facilitation by a skilled and experienced Chair, access to a network of exceptional entrepreneurs and business leaders.

It’s natural for networking to take place at peer2peer amongst trusted like-minded leaders but it’s much more than a networking group. It’s like finding your tribe, or belonging to a team of talented, capable, best-in-class individuals who are all rooting for each other to thrive both personally and in their business success.

Yes of course - fill out our Contact form and we'll be in touch shortly.

We’re so confident you’ll love peer2peer that we will not hold you to a notice period.

We're currently the fastest growing peer network in the UK, we'd love to hear from you if you would like to explore the process for becoming a peer2peer Chair. Send us a message and we'll be in touch.

We are opening new boards all the time. Complete our Contact form and we'll let you know the location of your nearest board.

Complete our Contact form, outlining what you'd like to learn more about and we'll be in touch.

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How do boards work?

  • peer2peer identifies and onboards impactful Chairs into our Chair community
  • each Chair hand-picks their own group of up to 15 non-competing leaders to form their peer2peer board
  • every Chair brings their own expertise and experience and has access to our workbooks, Chair community and CPD with peer2peer
  • board members and their Chair meet monthly for a half-day at a fixed location to work on their business and themselves

Why choose a peer2peer board?

  • Ten great heads are better than one
  • It’s no longer lonely at the top
  • Access to exceptional skill-building material and advice
  • Being held to account by your peers will expedite your journey
  • Peer boards are fun, and you deserve to love your flight!

What our members say

There’s a common theme in what our members tell us about their journey and how peer2peer helps them to 'get there':

Clarity - peer2peer helps you to gain clarity on your strategy, your direction, your next move
Accountability - it’s so much easier and effortless when your Chair and peers hold you to account than when you try to do it alone
Knowledge - continuous skill building through workbooks, resources, knowledge sharing, workshops, programs, recommendations
Experience - share experience, gain experience, celebrate experience, benefit from others’ experiences and, most of all, enjoy the experience!

At peer2peer we love an acronym and we’re firm advocates of the fact that you really can have your CAKE and eat it!

Key criteria

  • Confidentiality - every Chair and Board member signs a confidentiality agreement
  • There are no competing members on the same board
  • Every Chair and board member is encouraged to complete a Contribution Compass personality profile