Our UK boards meet once a month, in person, and are made up of 10-15 non-competing local business leaders. The venues are hand-picked by our team to lend themselves to facilitating maximum output. Every board is run by an experienced entrepreneur.
Business owners, entrepreneurs, business leaders. Some have teams, some work alone. Each member joins for a different reason and are usually at different stages in their personal and business growth but all gain a huge amount of value from their membership and experience with peer2peer.
peer2peer is the right solution for you if:
Each board meets once per month for 3.5 hours.
Typically, boards are divided into three 50-minute sessions to include a round the room monthly check-in, up-skilling workshop, a hot seat (mastermind session), accountability and next steps.
Dedicated time to work on you and on your business, world class skill building workshops, a community that supports each other to achieve more than they ever thought possible, excellent facilitation by a skilled and experienced Chair, access to a network of exceptional entrepreneurs and business leaders.
It’s natural for networking to take place at peer2peer amongst trusted like-minded leaders but it’s much more than a networking group. It’s like finding your tribe, or belonging to a team of talented, capable, best-in-class individuals who are all rooting for each other to thrive both personally and in their business success.
Yes of course - fill out our Contact form and we'll be in touch shortly.
We’re so confident you’ll love peer2peer that we will not hold you to a notice period.
We're currently the fastest growing peer network in the UK, we'd love to hear from you if you would like to explore the process for becoming a peer2peer Chair. Send us a message and we'll be in touch.
We are opening new boards all the time. Complete our Contact form and we'll let you know the location of your nearest board.
Complete our Contact form, outlining what you'd like to learn more about and we'll be in touch.